Chances are, you're not even sure what that means. Here, I'll google it for you...

Hmm. Close, but it's not quite getting it across. As you may have guessed, it's one of those roles that have popped up in response to the rise of automated processes in business. More and more of us are operating as clients and customers in the online world, and companies are beginning to grasp the importance of engaging us with an authentic voice. You most likely won't notice, but that friendly little prompt reminding you that you have left something in your shopping basket, and we'd hate for you to miss out, so would a 5% discount be of use?... Yep, that was most likely written by a UX copywriter.
While the title may be new, and the environment a bit more sexy (assuming you find technology sexy, I guess), it's really just an extension of something copywriters have used since the days of neighbours flirting over coffee and happy little Vegemites (that's one for the Aussies): tone of voice.
It doesn't matter if you're producing a portal or a pamphlet - you want your target audience to feel comfortable. When MailChimp high fives you for successfully sending a mailshot, it's not just a copywriter getting ready to hit the Friday afternoon happy hour. It's calculated to be reassuring, and strategically used to connect with the average age of the site's users.
So take a tip from Amazon, Ebay and your local energy supplier. However you get your message across - be it a brochure, poster, banner, or simply your brand name - be sure it makes your market feel comfortable, and presents an easy communication experience. The youngsters might like to think they invented it, but there's more than a bit of UX in every bit of good copywriting that's gone before.
Like to find out more? Here's an interesting read on the subject.